From the Constitution and Bylaws of True North Church:
Article V, Officers - Section 3, Official Board — The deacons shall be members of mature Christian experience and knowledge, who shall be expected to meet the requirements set forth in 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6. Deacons shall have been members of the assembly for at least one year. They shall currently support the church with their tithes and offerings, have a cooperative spirit, and regularly attend church services. You shall not serve if you have received ministerial ordination.
Article VI, Elections and Vacancies - Section 1b, Official Board — The official board shall be chosen from the active membership of the Assembly. The Board of Deacons shall be selected through random drawing, from candidates approved by the screening committee.
During the Annual Vision Meeting, two new Board Members will be selected. Listed below are the names of the people our Screening Committee put forward from the list of nominees, and whose names will be in the drawing. Please spend some time praying over the nominees as we trust God to appoint the right people to our Board for the upcoming season.
Screened Board Member Nominees:
- Chris Chestnut
- Eric Graham
- Trent Hubbard
- Robert Koenig (second term)
To be ratified for Secretary:
- Dan Brough
To be ratified for Treasurer:
- Gary Swoffer
Printed Agendas will be given out at the Annual Vision Meeting on March 2, 2025. If you are unable to make it to the meeting and would like to pick up a copy, we will have them available at the front desk for pick up.