Just because we can't physically go to the villages it doesn't mean that the gospel can't be shared. This Easter we are reaching out in a brand new way. We will be sending Easter Boxes to villages across the state to bless those that would not otherwise hear an Easter messages! 

We want to bless your friends and family in the villages with this free Easter box. These packages will have DVDs and flashdrives containing  contextualized worship, preaching, kids ministry, and an Easter gift. They can watch this for themselves, then share with a friend, or invite neighbors over to watch with them and essentially start their own Life Groups! Follow up information will also be included for them to connect with us if they were impacted by the ministry or would like to continue to receive DVDs of our messages. 

IF you have friends or family members living in a village we would love for you to share their mailing information so we can drop a package in the mail for them to receive for Easter.